
I am based in the Washington D.C. area and I live with my partner, who ironically is not a huge fan of being photographed at all, and our two cats, Cuzco and Finnegan.

I am a travel enthusiast, knitwear aficionado, comedy fan, part-time potter, and am always working on the best playlist I can possibly curate. I am a strong believer in the fact that beauty can be found everywhere: especially the small, every-day moments.

I lived the first thirteen years of my life in a little town in Southern Germany with a French mother and German father, before moving to the DC area. I started photography when I was fairly young, stealing my mother’s little digital camera whenever I could, and taking pictures of everything around me. My passion for photography grew through the years. I ripped my favorite editorials out of Vogue and stuck them on my wall, poured over photography books, and took endless pictures of my friends and posted the (admittedly, terrible) photographs on Facebook. From the beginning I was inspired most by capturing meaningful moments in the lives of the people around me. I continue to de drawn to finding those moments with other people, hearing their stories, observing their connections, and preserving just a little bit of their souls in the photographs we take together.

So… all that said, how do you know if we would be a right fit?

  1. You can laugh about yourself just a little bit:

    Being photographed can feel strange, especially if it’s your first time. My job is to guide you, make you comfortable, and capture you at your most beautiful. It’s much easier if you’re not too hard on yourself.

  2. You are open-minded:

    I love a plan. Big fan of a plan. But, sometimes it’s nice to experiment, try something new, and go along with what the moment calls for.

  3. You communicate openly with me:

    I want to make sure you are happy with your experience and the moments we capture together. I value clients who communicate openly with me about what they want, what they like, and what they dislike. Life is hard, but it’s a little easier if we’re all on the same page.

  4. Our values align:

    My goal is to capture beauty and love in all its different facets. My business is built on intention, sincerity, and allyship to all people. I wholeheartedly support the LGBTIQA+ community and continue to strive to be an advocate for others. I do not work with clients, vendors, or venues who exclude other communities.

My name is Joséphine— Jo for short. I am a photographer who believes that photography is not just about taking “the perfect picture”, but about creating lasting memories and representing you as you are— beautiful and perfectly imperfect.

My partner Andrew behind the Super 8 on a trip to Iceland.

Impromptu photoshoot in my parent's bathroom circa 2009.

Impromptu photoshoot in my parent’s bathroom circa 2010.

Baby Cuzco in 2020.

Our newest addition: Finnegan in 2023.

There is nothing I love more than taking pictures of my friends and family.